THE newest display at the Mareeba Heritage Museum

THE newest display at the Mareeba Heritage Museum is a wonderful and colourful mural.

The idea for the mural was born out of a desire to showcase the prominence of agriculture in the Mareeba Shire and most significant crops that sustain domestic and overseas market.
The concept also includes a touch of multiculturalism to represent the diverse background of the farming workforce.

Local artist Daniel Wallwork was selected to bring this vision to life with his unique style that captures the essence of our community.

Check out the Gallery

The project, however, would not have been possible without the generous donations from our sponsors, whose support has been nothing short of extraordinary.
First and foremost, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the former Atherton Tablelands Avocado Growers Association, which at its wind-up donated its remaining company funds to Mareeba Heritage Centre.
These funds form approximately 65% of the estimated project funds. Their substantial donation served as the cornerstone of this project.
We also wish to acknowledge the support from Mareeba Shire Council, which, through the RADF grant, makes valuable investment in local arts and cultural priorities.

Another significant supporter of the mural project is local farmers Piñata Pineapples and their donation which reflects their ongoing dedication to our town a better place to live one sweet treat and one generous act at a time.

Special thanks to our volunteers, who come together with their enthusiastic dedication to the museum and the community, have been instrumental in every step of the project. Some volunteers even added a touch of paint!

The mural will not only be a beautiful addition to our museum but also a lasting symbol of Mareeba workers, businesses, farm owners and the fresh produce they grow. It is recognition of the know-how of farming families and a celebration of Mareeba’s cultural identity.

This complements the displays of other industries of Mareeba, past and present. The Heritage Centre hosts the largest Australian Tobacco Industry Exhibit, which represented the largest industry of Mareeba at its peak.
We invite everyone to come to the Mareeba Heritage Centre, for a closer look at the 12m x 3.5m, newly painted mural.

Pictured from left to right are: Stephen Scurr, (Piñata Farm Manager), Mary Thompson (Volunteer Museum Curator), Louise Mahoney (Volunteer Collection Manager), Ben Scurr (Piñata), Mayor Angela Toppin, and Joe Moreno, Eric Battistin, and Giovanni Ravanello (all three past members of the former Atherton Tablelands Avocado Growers Association).

Sandrine Gloton
Mareeba Heritage Centre

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