Your support makes a big difference to our Museum. Like many others, our not-for-profit Museum is facing challenging times, but together we can ensure its longevity and ongoing contribution to our community. To help ensure we are stronger into the future, we’d love to invite you to consider supporting us as we sustain our collections, exhibits, buildings and gardens. If you can help, we’d love you to chip in and there are a few easy ways to do so, with all you need to know outlined below.
Financial donations are always welcomed and appreciated, with all funds received going towards the upkeep of our Museum, its exhibits, collections and grounds. Alternatively, you may be able to donate your time by becoming a volunteer. We have a wonderful team of volunteers who provide assistance with a range of activities, helping us to provide our visitors with a memorable experience not only at the Museum but encouraging further exploration of our local area. Another option is to partner with us, joining our team of contributors to make an impact through opportunities like hosting a visiting exhibit, sponsoring an event, or simply finding a way to help the business wheels churn! Finally, you may like to sponsor a specific display or exhibit and provide equipment, services or dollars. An example of this is provided below. If you can do any (or all) of the above, we’d be very grateful.
Every day, because of our members, the Mareeba Heritage Centre Volunteers, Staff and Board work tirelessly to preserve and promote our culture and heritage; and to motivate visitors and locals to explore the culture and diversity of Mareeba and the surrounding region.
Our Members make our work possible and we are are truly grateful.
The Mareeba Mens Leisure Group, who are weekly patrons of the Mareeba Heritage Coffee House, raised funds to assist with the installation and preservation of the electric air-raid siren that has now found a home at the Mareeba Heritage Museum. The siren, which originated from Cairns, was offered to Mareeba for 15 pounds, including transport. The offer was accepted and the siren was relocated to the Mareeba Fire Station. When the station was closed down, the siren was offered to the Museum but remained a memory. We are thankful that when Q.I.T.E. purchased the building a couple of years ago, it was again offered to the Museum and they arranged to relocate the siren to its final resting place, now at the Museum. The team at Bertoldo Electrical cleaned it, tested it and installed it ready for us to switch on again! The siren is a significant artefact at the Museum and a truly sentimental piece to the community.
Please note: Should you be interested in donating materials to the Mareeba Heritage Museum, then we’re pleased to also provide information regarding this on our website.
© Mareeba Heritage Museum and Visitor Information Centre 2024